
Miami Beach

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bored at Home


I really want to express myself in here, but right now I am getting depress and kind of lonely.

I just want to try to pass every single day and try to see the light at the end

Bad Times


I been trying to make a living in USA. But as people how doesn't emigrate to another country believe, it is not that easy.

No body said it will be, but sometime get harder for ones than another.

I am not complaining about other people, just complaining about my luck with this manner.

I really love this country, I been working since the day I got here. Trying to work with the society and their rules. But sometimes I feel like people without scrupulous go further than me.

I am not a saint, but…..

I think right now i feel hurt and disappointed about a bunch of  events occurring in my life but whatever, need to go forward and continuing fighting

That’s all for now folk, been will posting more soon.